Thursday, December 8, 2011

Final Draft: World Collage Three


  1. I really love all of your photos. Each photos is really cohesive and they all seem to have a nicer theme or subject to them. In all of the photos in each collage the pictures look as if the places or the people are all together.

  2. This is my comment for all your collages. They look Incredibly stylistic and my favorite part is just how beautiful the colors (and absences of colors) react with the layout of the collage. The movement, the subjects, they all seem to work in conduction and it comes off nicely,

  3. Whoa you have so many different groups of these photos and they're all so good. I had never really thought about collage photography but now I now it exists and can be really cool looking. Nice job! These are very cohesive and turned out well

  4. This idea is really cool. I like the fact that the photos are almost the same, but they are a tiny bit off. my favorite is the first one. It is really nice.
